Methodist: Wesley’s Expression of the Anglican Faith

John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist Church, had no intentions of forming a separate denomination and remained an Anglican Church loyalist. However, Wesley felt the Anglican Church needed revival and was part of the Holy Club, a group known for being methodical in their religiosity, resulting in the nickname, Methodists. The Methodists were a revival movement within the Anglican Church whose spread led to the unintended birth of a separate denomination during the American Revolution. Being unable to receive sacraments under British rule, Wesley ordained his own elders, marking the unofficial separation of American Methodism from the Anglican Church. However, this was primarily an organizational issue; had there been a supply of Anglican clergy in America, the Methodists likely would not have formed a separate denomination.

Beyond Your Experiences, Stick With What is Written

It's been a very long time since I posted on this blog. I seem to have gotten so busy lately to even give my blog some attention. At first, I lost access to the blog and then when I regained access, I just wasn't getting the right motivation to write here any longer. One day,... Continue Reading →


The Gospel is God's power of salvation at work in the world. What is the gospel? It is the good news about Christ that is so good to be true. But what is this good news about? It tells us how God makes us right in his sight. God has taken up the responsibility of... Continue Reading →

Polygamy, Concubines & Adultery

Someone asked "George, if adultery means having sex with someone who isn't your spouse, why didn't God have Abraham and the rest have multiple wives and even concubines who are like side chics. Please help throw more light on this." My Answer... The Bible's definition of adultery is not what many of us make out... Continue Reading →

How To Live A Quality Christian Life

God knows that you aren't a "superman", he didn't make any "superman" anywhere. So, while we can use the word "superman" for certain kinds of attributions, it doesn't exist in a literal sense. We are all human beings who are full of weaknesses and flaws. We all have our struggles and some struggle with addictions.... Continue Reading →

Why The Fuss About Mutual Submission By Christian Men?

Ideally, there shouldn't be any argument at all about mutual submission. Two adults in a relationship should hold each other accountable, serve one another, love one another and cherish one another. These are two adults in a relationship and not a father and daughter relationship. Imagine an educated woman in a marriage where her opinion... Continue Reading →

Submission Isn’t Primarily A Gender Role

More on submission in marriage… There is a danger in trying to interpret everything we read in the Bible that was written more than 6000 and 2000 years ago using a modern understanding of words. It’s more dangerous when we isolate texts in the Bible from the rest of the other following or preceding texts.... Continue Reading →

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